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Notice: Lamination Update for A1 Daydream Education Posters

We are currently in the process of transitioning to a new type of lamination for our A1 Daydreams posters. This change is part of our supplier’s move toward a more sustainable and economical production process. The new lamination is thinner compared to the older method, offering a more eco-friendly alternative that reduces costs and environmental impact.

During this transition period, you may receive a mix of posters with the older and newer laminations in your order. While the appearance may vary slightly, we’ve received positive feedback about the updated lamination so far.

We value your thoughts and would love to hear your feedback on the new lamination. Your input will help us provide better products and services and can be shared directly with our supplier to further refine this transition.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Bright Education Australia

With over 12 years of expertise, Bright Education is dedicated to providing high-quality, specialised books and posters for a wide range of subjects. From Visual Art and Music Technology to Maths, History, Wellbeing, and Digital Safety, our resources are thoughtfully selected to support educators and inspire students across Australia.

  • HSC History

    These History resources provide comprehensive, accurate and factual detail alongside the views of top historians. Also included is expert advice on how to write quality HSC essays and responses, easy to understand diagrammatic summaries and revision exercises on each chapter.

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  • Making Connections

    This series encourages students to add meaning and purpose to reading, and helps students create meaning and connections beyond the text and to themselves, other texts and the world at whole.

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  • Using SOLO

    Created to support teachers in the productive & rewarding task of developing curious scientific minds, this series harnesses SOLO Taxonomy, an accessible and robust way of making learning viable to both teacher & students while combining with current theories on how students learn & effective pedagogies.

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  • Algebra for Everyone

    Created to provide the informed, practical support both teachers and students need to get algebra learning off to a strong start. Concepts are presented in a variety of ways to help students build their understanding and to gain extensive practice without it feeling repetitive.

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